Friday, November 30, 2007



Here is the made up story about this product that Sybervision came up with. Pretty lame if you ask me. There is more articles and links below that explain this companies methods and scam tactics. DO NOT BUY THIS GARBAGE -- TRUST ME

"The Lipovox Story

Two years ago I was a college student living in Oahu, Hawaii. I'd go to school in the mornings and head off to the beach and surf all day. It was a blast! The best time of my life. But it was wreaking havoc on my skin! I was only in my early twenties and had the skin of someone double my age.

One day while watching TV, I came across "Oprah" and the title of the show was on how to look "10 Years Younger in 10 Days". I watched. Oprach interviewed a world-reknown skin care doctor and he revealed his "Secret" to looking 10 years younger in 10 days. It wasn't a magical lotion or cream, but rather 10 SUPER FOODS that fight wrinkles internally (see below for detailed information on each food).

It was my goal to eat a serving of these foods each and every day for 10 days - with the hopes that my crow's feet and prematurely aging skin would vanish.
I stayed true to the diet for 10 days and felt amazing.
So what happened during those 10 days?

It was tough for me to believe...but Oprah was wrong. I didn't look "10 Years Younger". But my wrinkles had begun to fade, which I was ecstatic about. Something though, was even more amazing: My Acne had DISAPPEARED!

Even more amazing was that I had LOST 10 POUNDS IN 10 DAYS!!!

Other than my wrinkles, my Acne and Weight have always been two problems for me when it came to self-confidence. After 10 days of following my strict meal plan, I had almost cured them for myself. My friends and family were shocked at my progress. They all wanted to know what I was doing to make such dramatic changes in such a short period of time. All of their compliments made me feel like a million dollars!

The thing is, I hadn't just lost weight, reduced my wrinkles, and rid myself of acne, I had also experienced a huge surge of energy that lasted all day.

I felt myself being nicer to people. I noticed a reduction in the size of my pores. I felt Motivated. It's UNBELIEVABLE how eating these 10 Super Foods can change your mental outlook on life. I was constantly motivated to better myself. It was truly a life changing experience. But there was a problem...

The 10 Super Foods aren't Cheap. Brazilian Acai Fruit, Kefir, and Macadamia Nuts are VERY EXPENSIVE FOODS. Like most, I'm on a very tight budget and I couldn't afford to spend and Extra $100+ per month for the Super Foods. Another problem was that it was not Easy to Follow the Strict Meal Plan. When I got my friends and family on the meal plan they had the same troubles. They also had difficulty even finding Kefir and Acai.

The Results You See & Feel are PRICELESS! But it just was an inconvenient meal plan to follow. So I had a new Mission. I set out to make CONVENIENT and AFFORDABLE alternative!
I worked with one of the largest Nutraceautical company's in the world and had them find the HIGHEST Concentrates of All 10 Super Foods. They agreed on one condition. That they can do so without sparing any expense. I agreed. And after 6 months of searching we were able to find Super High Concentrates of all 10 foods...

Now the test. To see if they Work as Well as the whole foods...
So 10 of my closest friends and family members (and myself) set out to take these food concentrates for 10 days with no other changes in our diet or exercise programs.


EVERYONE LOST WEIGHT! I personally Lost another 6 Pounds in 10 Days. My Sister in Law had the Most Dramatic Results. SHE LOST 14 POUNDS in ONLY 10 DAYS! My best friend had the slowest progress. He lost 2.5 Pounds in 10 Days. But he said he couldn't have felt better while taking the Super Food Concentrates. We ALL Felt SUPERB! Everyone Lost Unwanted Body Weight and We All Noticed DRAMATIC Changes in our Skin Tone and Complexion. My Mother-in-Law Especially noticed a difference in her Skin. She said "Oprah was Wrong Again... I didn't just look 10 Years Younger, I was 20 YEARS YOUNGER!" WE WERE ALL WINNERS!
Lipovox contains extracts of these 10 SuperFoods in each capsule:
Brazilian Acai: Harvested in the rainforests of Brazil and hidden within its royal purple pigment is the magic that makes it nature's perfect energy fruit. Acai is packed full of antioxidants, amino acids and essential fatty acids. Acai continas contains a remarkable concentration of antioxidants that help combat premature aging, with 10 times more antioxidants than red grapes and 10 to 30 times the anthocyanins of red wine. A synergy of monounsaturated (healthy) fats, dietary fiber and phytosterols to help promote cardiovascular and digestive health. An almost perfect essential amino acid complex in conjunction with valuable trace minerals, it is vital for to proper muscle contraction and regeneration. The fatty acid content in acairesembles that of olive oil, and is rich in monounsaturated oleic acid. Oleic acid is important for a number of reasons. It helps omega-3 fish oils penetrate the cell membrane; together they help make cell membranes more supple. By keeping the cell membrane supple, all hormones, neurotransmitter and insulin receptors function more efficiently. This is particularly important because high insulin levels create an inflammatory state, and as we all we know, inflammation causes aging.
Cayenne Pepper Fruit is a member of the plant genus "capsicum" (cap-sih-kum), a term that comes from the Greek word kapto, which means "to bite". All peppers contain compounds called capsaicinoids. This is especially true of cayenne peppers, which derive their spicy heat, as well as extraordinary anti-inflammatory, analgesic, heart-healthy effects, from very high levels of capsaicinoids, the most common form of which is capsaicin. In addition to capsaicin, Cayenne peppers are high in antioxidant carotenes and flavonoids, and contain about twice the amount of vitamin C found in citrus fruits. Cayenne is also great for supercharging your metabolic rate helping you to burn body fat at a much higher rate.

Garlic Lowers total cholesterol (but raises HDL--"good"--cholesterol). It lessens the risk of atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries), may lower blood pressure, may reduce the risk of blood clots, destroys infection-causing viruses and bacteria, produces more "natural killer" cells in the blood to fight infections, and enhances detoxification by reducing toxins.

Soybeans Isoflavones are naturally occurring plant compounds that are particularly concentrated in soybeans. Genistein, Daidzein and Glycitein are the major isoflavones found in soybeans and offer the most numerous health benefits. Soybeans are extremely beneficial in a "Smart Carb" diet because they rank low on the glycemic scale, which means that they do not cause the inflammatory, hunger-inducing spike in blood sugar levels associated with refined grains and baked goods.

Barley: Not only is barley a low-glycemic grain, it is high in both soluble and insoluble fiber. Soluble fiber helps the body metabolize fats, cholesterol and carbohydrates, and lowers blood cholesterol levels. Insoluble fiber, commonly called "roughage", promotes a healthy digestive tract. Barley provides high concentrations of tocotrienols, the "super" form of Vitamin E.

Wheatgrass: Before World War II, drug stores throughout the country (especially in the grain-belt states of the Midwest) sold tablets of dried wheat or barley grass as a kind of primitive vitamin supplement. Today, young wheat and barley grasses are dried and powdered to make dietary supplements. The health benefits of this "Super Greens Food" are too numerous to list all of them.

Lactobacillus Acidophilus is a healthy bacteria found in high concentrations in Kefir and Yogurt. Also known as a Probiotic. In humans, probiotic microbes help the body's ongoing fight against infectious diseases by competing with the pathogens for food, nutrients and survival. This is why human breast milk is rich in nutritional factors that foster the growth of bifidobacteria, a beneficial bacterial family that keeps babies' intestinal ecosystems healthy and disease-resistant.
Alfalfa Sprouts are a highly nutritious food. There are a great many reasons to eat sprouts. As we age, our body's ability to produce enzymes declines. Sprouts are a concentrated source of the living enzymes and "life force". Additionally, due to their high enzyme content, sprouts are also much easier to digest than the seed or bean from which they come.

Flaxseed: If you want to dramatically control your weight with no hunger pangs and reduce the visible signs of aging like wrinkles and sagging skin, it is recommended that you "go nuts." Nuts and Seeds are so rich in appetite suppressing nutrients that they are a must have in any healthy diet. Flaxseeds are especially beneficial because of their remarkable fatty acid profile and rich source of lignans.

Buckwheat: Usually thought of as a grain, buckwheat is actually the seed of a broadleaf plant related to rhubarb. It surpasses rice, wheat and corn on almost every measure of healthfulness (including the fact that rice, wheat, and corn are high on the glycemic scale, thus provoking a quick spike in blood sugar levels, a proven promoter of systemic inflammation). Buckwheat, on the other hand, ranks low on the glycemic scale. Its protein characteristics also enhance buckwheat's ability to reduce and stabilize blood sugar levels following meals--a key factor in preventing diabetes and obesity.

But we didn't just stop there with the 10 SuperFoods. Oprah's Skin Care Expert also wrote a book on wrinkles and recommende two additional SuperFoods and two Super Antioxidants:
Green Tea Extract: In Asian societies green tea is consumed in about the same quantities as coffee is in the West. Green tea is loaded with polyphenols, a class of phytochemicals with 100 times the antioxidant punch of vitamin C. Laboratory experiments suggest that one group of polyphenols in green tea called catechins may inhibit the growth of new blood vessels, which some scientists think may help prevent cancer by depriving early tumors of nourishment. (Catechins may also prevent DNA damage caused by carcinogens from occurring in the first place.) Indeed, population studies in China link drinking green tea daily with a lowered risk of stomach, esophageal and liver cancers. Studies from Japan show that consuming 10 cups a day may reduce the risk of heart disease. If that much tea seems hard to swallow, consider using it is a mouthwash; reports suggest that swishing green tea around the mouth may inhibit cavity-causing bacteria. Applied to the skin of laboratory mice, it also seems to reduce the incidence of skin cancer. Green Tea Naturally contains small amounts of caffeine. About as much as a small cup of diet coke. Green Tea also contains L-Theanine which some claim can relax you and relieve stress. Stress is commonly linked to Acne.
Salmon Oil Powder: Salmon that are free to roam the ocean enjoy a diet of fresh fish, which have eaten smaller fish, which in turn have eaten still smaller fish. At the bottom of that food chain are algae, the key to salmon's health benefits. Algae boast a special kind of fat, known as omega-3 fatty acids, that seems to help the heart. Omega-3s prevent platelets in the blood from clumping together and sticking to arterial walls in the form of plaque. They also drive down triglycerides and ldl (bad) cholesterol. Researchers suspect that omega-3s may block the production of inflammatory substances linked to autoimmune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis and lupus. Even more tantalizing, preliminary reports suggest that omega-3s interact with the fatty layers that surround brain cells and, as fishy as it sounds, may somehow help protect brain cells from the diseases of aging, like Alzheimer's. IN THE BOOK "THE PERRICONE PRESCRIPTION" DR. PERRICONE SAYS THAT SALMON IS THE BEST FOOD YOU CAN EAT FOR THE AID OF WRINKLES AND ACNE.
Alpha Lipoic Acid: ALA is a highly potent antioxidant that helps protect the mitochondria and the genetic material, DNA. As we age, mitochondrial function is impaired, and it's theorized that this is an important contributor to some of the adverse effects of aging. ALA also works closely with vitamin C and E and some other antioxidants, "recycling" them and thus making them much more effective.

DMAE: DMAE - Dimethylaminoethanol - is an antioxidant and a precursor of the neurotransmitter Acetycholine (ACh). Acetycholine is responsible for feelings of well-being and relaxation. It plays an important role in the onset of a dreaming state. Its effects on aging and weight loss are well documented.
Lipovox Testimonials
"I wanted to just write you really quickly and let you know how everything's going with Lipovox. I've been taking it for twelve days and have lost nine pounds! So that's obviously a big plus. My skin does seem to look healthier, and I haven't broken out with a single blemish, which, if you saw my skin, you'd think is a miracle. Probably what I'm happiest about though is the fact that my energy levels throughout the day have been higher and more sustained. By that I mean that I don't go through all of the peaks and valleys I normally would experience throughout a day (I'd usually try and combat a valley by eating a candy bar or something else bad for me). Thank you for a solid product that is natural!" - Julia S., Phoenix, AZ
"What more can I say? Lipovox has helped me lose 19 pounds in 15 days. I look like a different person! My neck is so much skinnier and I've gone back to my pant size from several years ago. This weight just wouldn't seem to budge and Leptovox seems to have budged it! I'm hopeful I can go back to wearing the same size jeans I wore in high school!" - Janet L., Wenatchee, WA
"I'm not one for words really, but Lipovox is a stellar product. I used [name removed] for three months and only got the jitters, with three pounds of weight loss to show for it. With Leptovox, I lost three pounds in three days and have kept up a pretty respectable rate. As of last night I've lost 22 pounds in 41 days on Lipovox. Sign me up for some more!" - Dan B., Raleigh, NC
Thank you Lipovox! 8 pounds in 4 days! Just in time for our beach vacation in three weeks. I have no doubt that I will be looking great in my swimsuit by that time!" - Kelly Jackson, CA
I've never been one that really struggled with my weight. During high school I was extremely active in sports. After high school I joined the US Marine Corps and obviously had no problem keeping the weight off there -- with all the running you do it's not hard to stay in top shape. I served for seven years and then decided to try other things. Well, three years into my "other things" (which consisted of sitting in front of a computer for an unholy amount of time), I had gained 35 pounds! I was still maintaining what I thought was an active lifestyle, but not enough to counteract my lame day job. Well, two months ago I found Lipovox and decided I'd give it a shot. It's been great! I've lost 23 pounds in 58 days! My wife says I look like the guy she married -- thank you!" - Fernando D., ID
Frequently Asked Questions
Does it work for everyone?
... No! We have a 1.5-2% return rate. Most everyone LOVES it. A few Don't. We really can't please everyone. There's really only one way for you to know??.. try it! And if you don't Love it... You get All Your Money Back. NO QUESTIONS ASKED! (read our guarantee here).
Do you sell Lipovox in Stores?
There almost isn't a day goes by that we aren't offered a 'deal' by another distributor (trying to get rich). But every time we look at the numbers, they don't work very well. They always seem to favor the distributor. These deals almost always involve smaller bottles or cheaper ingredients. They think we're crazy for selling such a big bottle. But, we've developed long term relationships with our customers. Our regular customers like our product and reorder every few months. We just couldn't do that to them. We're satisfied to grow our business through reorders, referrals, and the wonderful people who just happen to find us through the internet on a daily basis. Like you.
Why Don't You Use Before & After Photos?
We don't need to. Our version of Before and After Photos is the Wonderful Positive Feedback our Customers Like You leave for us.
What Works Better: Whole Foods or Your Concentrates?
Many customers are shocked to hear me say this, but the whole food meal plan works better. It's True. You would get better results eating these 10 Super Foods everyday than you will from taking my product. The only problem is that the 10 Super Foods are SUPER EXPENSIVE and SUPER INCONVENIENT to eat Everyday. This is simply an Extremely Cost Effective Way to get many of the Health Benefits the Super Foods Give You. The results may not be as good as eating the whole food but you may get More 'Bang For Your Buck.'
Do I have to exercise to see results?
Lipovox was designed to be taken in conjunction with a healthy diet and exercise. That is the best way to lose weight. Some users lose weight without changing their diets or exercising, but exercise and healthy eating are recommended for optimal results.
How Long Does Each Bottle Last?
10-30 Days depending on the dosage you take.
Does it Really Work?
You will never hear us making any bogus claims about this product. All we can do is tell you our personal results. And you can also read customer feedback to see how customers like you feel about it. Some Don't like it. More than 98% do. The other 1.5-2% get their money back. SO THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NO RISK FOR YOU!
Is this an Acne Aid, Wrinkle Treatment or a Weight Loss Aid?
All Three! I actually just wanted to improve my overall health and get rid of a few of my "Surf Wrinkles" so I began eating these 10 Super Foods hoping to accomplish that. But it had a couple of "Positive Side Effects" I lost weight, my acne almost completely went away, and I have TONS of Energy. These are extraordinary results. Some may not notice these types of results and you may have even better results than me. It's just a wonderful product at a wonderful price.


Lipovox Reviewed... Acne, Wrinkle And Weight Loss Fighter? I thought I'd seen it all when it came to outrageous, unsubstantiated claims. That's until I'd checked out Lipovox. It's one for the books, all right. Apparently, Lipovox can eliminate acne, reduce the appearance of wrinkles, and even cause you to lose weight. Best of all, there's not a single shred of evidence backing any of these claims. Nope, not one. The evidence, say the retailers, is the mounds of positive feedback from users, especially on eBay. Never mind that feedback is highly anecdotal, is often manufactured and fraudulent, and generally means nothing. That's why the "golden standard" for proof is the double-blind, placebo-controlled study. And guess what? There is no such study validating Lipovox's claims. The closest the retailers get to really quantifying these comments is by saying that Lipovox contains "10 superfoods" revealed by Dr. Perricone on the Oprah Show to help Oprah and her viewers look "10 Years Younger in 10 Days" (also a ridiculous statement, made more for impact than anything else). Even Dr. Perricone's work is not without some controversy. According to Wikipedia..."... critics accuse him of making outlandish, unrealistic promises in order to sell books and products. His claims, they say, are backed by very little scientific research, and any research he has done himself has never been published in medical journals, where it would be subject to scrupulous review."Like it or not, this is true. And Dr. Perricone does have a vested interest in retailing high priced cosmetics on his NVPerriconeMD site, as well as selling his various diet books. And none of his theories has ever really been "put to the test" by a panel of experts.

How much of each ingredient, or even what those 10 "magic" ingredients are, is not revealed to us -- not on eBay, anyway And believe me, that's always a red flag when it comes to buying products. Any retailer who does not have the confidence to reveal what his/her product contains should be viewed with some skepticism. I did finally find a list of ingredients on the official Lipovox Web site. They are the ten superfoods referenced by Dr. Perricone, plus a couple of extras...Acai, barley, juice, cayenne, wheatgrass, garlic, buckwheat, flaxseed, alfalfa, lactobacillus acidophillus, soy, green tea, salmon, alpha lipoic acid, and dmae. Unfortunately, just how much of each ingredient is not revealed, so it's impossible to determine whether there's enough present to elicit any sort of response. A search of the Oprah Web site also reveals these 10 foods, which may "help you look and age better." Duh. Just about anything rich in antioxidants can qualify for that statement. To confirm this, check this statement from the Oprah Web site... "... just about every brightly colored fruit and vegetable fits the category of a superfood, as do nuts, beans, seeds and aromatic and brightly colored herbs and spices." It also bothers me that both Oprah and Dr. Perricone's name are used to add credibility to this product, when neither one of them is actually affiliated with it. And the claims of total weight loss, acne removal, and wrinkle elimination are a gross exaggeration of what one can really expect with small amounts of these superfoods -- even if you take Dr. Perricone's arguments at face value. In the end, my bottom line on Lipovox is simple... The claims made are ridiculous, and aren't justified by anything even remotely resembling evidence. The actual ingredient profile is revealed (if you look hard enough) but we not know if there's enough of any ingredients present to elicit any sort of response. Does that mean I think a product containing a unique blend of these 10 super foods is without value? Absolutely not. Depending on the amount of ingredients contained, it may indeed deliver some benefit. Honestly, I'd be surprised if it didn't -- this is a pretty impressive blend of "superfoods." But to advertise Lipovox as a cure-all for acne, wrinkles, and weight loss is ridiculous. I bet the Federal Trade Commission will moving in on these guys pretty darn soon.

Can you people STOP writing questions about stupid scam products! Anyone that has been on the internet before could easily research this stuff and find out it's a scam. Since the Sybervision and e-Bay reviews are done by the company who sells this product, I will omit those as they are obviously biased reviews. Here are some quotes from some other review sites.

1.) “I thought I'd seen it all when it came to outrageous, unsubstantiated claims. That's until I'd checked out Lipovox. It's one for the books, all right. Apparently, Lipovox can eliminate acne, reduce the appearance of wrinkles, and even cause you to lose weight.” Reference:

2.) “We have not made any reviews on this product to date. We do know this product has many names...why? Is it bad? Is someone trying to hide something? Why are all these "review sites" taking you to ebay? It appears many of the "review sites" that sell it are all owned by the same company and direct you to Ebay...Ebay! dont know if I would buy any diet pills on ebay. We do urge you to watch out for there marketing scams. Lipovox also named Leptovox and Orovo ...why mutliple names?“ Reference:

3.) THIS IS TOO FUNNY, please read the quote on this website. I doubt a website with a high ranking would post something that they can’t prove, so I would put my money on it that it is true. FROM THE OWNER OF LIPOVOX (wrote to this review site and they posted the email) LOL J "Your SkinnyOnD***** website sucks and so does your shi*** WhoDoYouScam products...your products can't touch Leptovox and Lipovox. Our product is 1000x better than your sh**. Go *uck yourselves and stick your products up your *ss....Leptovox is the #1 product on the market. Fo *UCK YOURSELVES...*itches!!! Your "review" ! sites are written by illierate Indians Dot Heads." Reference:

4.) Here is a posting on 3fatchicks (probably by the owners of Lipovox) stating some college student in Hawaii came up with this pill. Be my guest and look up the owners of this product, it is these guys: Basically the ladies at 3fatchicks agree with everyone else. This is a SCAM and the only way to get the super foods, which was on the Oprah show, is to eat them. You can’t take some bogus pill that claims that they have these so called “superfoods” ingredients in the product.

5.) Look, another yahoo answers about Lipovox. I’m loving this one because they even paid to add it to the Google sponsored search results. She must be a very unhappy customer because she is paying money to show this to people. LOL ha, too f-ing funny to me. OMG;_ylt=ApPN.bEYRD3PqAp5gbmrX74jzKIX?qid=20070301194746AAuzw07

this is a review site owned by Sybervision the makers of Lipovox, Leptovox, Orovo
Their page on Lipovox
Garret Devore



Anonymous said...

Another couple of sites that underline that Lipovox et al are scams

TheDietBabe said...

Paul Crane is a piece of shit who is an iSatori crony. No diet pill works except for Lean System 7 right Paul?

Unknown said...

let me get this straight you write one humongous blog just to bash on a company with nothing in it for you right.

Yeah Right no one doesn anything out of the goodness of their hearts.

Michael J. Suen said...

lipovox is not a scam. I hesitated buying this thing for a month because of your website but after a month, I've lost 15 pounds and have nice skin.

THanks a lot to you, retard. Your a scam-critic.